Wednesday 15 September 2010

New Recruits!

Now, I don’t know if I have mentioned this but Prestige has recently taken on 2 new recruits for the hospitality sales team. This was a welcome relief to Stuart and I, who have been manning the fort on our lonesome for a while now. But this is not the only benefit as you can imagine. On a personal level I am delighted to have some assistance around the office: cups of tea, the lifting of boxes, being told how nice I look today – oh, did I mention they are BOYS?!

Before I get sued for gender bias, I would like to add that of course the boys do more than make me tea and tell me I look nice. In all honesty, I am lucky if I am referred to by my own name rather than the nickname du jour (Please note Darren, I have not been enjoying Dobby the House Elf. Although that said, it is undeniable that Mark really does look like Ron Weasley).

Darren and Mark are invaluable assets to the team, having injected a new lease of life into the place, bringing with them their own connections and contacts, plus that little thing that keeps a sales team buzzing – the sense of competition!