Friday 29 January 2010

Boot Camp

Prestige is very big on personal development and truly live up to their name as Investors in People. In our Sales Team, we are always encouraged to speak up about how we want to grow, what else we want to learn and are regularly given opportunities to fulfil these needs.

The sales team I am part of have been working together for almost 2 years now, and it might seem strange to have what was termed ‘Boot camp Training’ after such a long time in the industry. However I think this is indicative of the fact that none of us are ‘sales sharks’, and have absolutely no desire to be so. We are in the unique position in that Sodexo Prestige are Event Operators, and whilst of course we compete for sales amongst the agencies that sell these events on our behalf, we are directly linked to our events and so see ourselves more as event consultants than sales executives. I will always seek to understand the business needs of my clients before recommending an event. Hospitality is genuinely an important business tool, definitely not just a jolly, and so it is crucial to use the right event.

A few days before the training I started to have reservations. Mostly, I was excited to go - I am the kind of person who needs to feel that they are always developing and learning things; but, there is always a part of me that hates to be brought out of my comfort zone and resists it. I particularly hate public speaking and the feeling that you are being observed in your work. I started to worry that this was a way for my bosses to evaluate me and decide whether or not I am actually any good at my job! Yes, paranoia is rife in my world ….

I needn’t have worried – although a very intense couple of days, we all left feeling like a million dollars (queue Witney Houston’s latest single) and ready to get back to work to start impressing our clients. The training was highly practical, with very little lecturing and provided us with a process, business tools and skills in a comfortable and fun environment. Lot’s of laughter, a touch of embarrassment but overall, a brilliant experience. The mortification of watching myself on screen during a presentation was off-set by the amazing Elderflower cordial we serve in our venues! (I am a bit obsessed).

Ian King - of Sales Performance Plus - is great at putting you at ease, and his style is a blend of his many years of experience in sales, genuine psychological insight – and ‘down the pub on a Friday night banter’. He will take the micky out of you, but he will also give you some great tools to help you work with your clients, and build up a confidence in you that was definitely not there before.

Working from HMS Belfast was a real treat and completely surreal too. When you are in the training room you are in ‘the zone’ and so do not think too much about the fact that you are on a real life War Ship, but during breaks it was amazing to step out on deck and take in the views of The Thames, and the London skyline.

Kerry Mutter, Sales Manager of HMS Belfast has very kindly invited me to return to the ship for their re-launch party on Thursday 17th March. More on this after the event – but please visit their website for more details on the venue.